Abhishek Khurana

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I am a 2018 Batch Undergrad Student at Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani – Hyderabad campus. I’m interested in 3D Rendering , Digital Image Processing and Parallel Processing on GPUs(using CUDA for Nvidia GPUs).


3D Rendering Engine that runs on CPU

This project explores using a 3D rendering engine running on the CPU , to execute compute shaders that are inefficient to run on the GPU.
Additional Goals :

Some Outputs :
Output 0
Output 1

Image To ASCII Art Converter

This project converts all the pixels of an image into closest looking ASCII characters.
Some Outputs :
Output 0
Output 1

Output 2

Ball Balancing

This project aims at balancing a ball on a platform that has 2 degrees of rotational freedom. It works by calculating the balls position using basic digital image processing and then uses a PID controller to balance it. This was a team project done by Tech Team members of PHoEnix Association - BPHC. The Source Code is available on Github. (Technopedia for BPHC)



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